- 自分のリサーチの途中経過を、レジュメを使って報告(3名分発表&コメント)
http://www.maymeng.net/moodle/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=856 - Google Docs で共有→コメント・メモ保存 (大学ではできず?)
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A paper company has printed a horror story on toilet paper.Send your comments to jaremaga@gmail.com !
Suzuki Koji, the author of "Ring", wrote a short story called "Drop" which takes place in a public restroom.
The story isn't very long and is printed several times on each roll.
One roll costs 210 yen.
That's a high price for toilet paper, but it isn't very expensive for a story.
Even so, I'm not sure that I want to read a horror story about a toilet in the toilet.
しばらく放置していたVOA update のお知らせ。ちょっと眺めてみるか。 | |