- Quiz (20) Published
- 次回の小テストは、歌+これまでの語彙文法確認ワークシート
- My Happy Ending (By Avril Lavigne)
- Worksheet : Pronunciation & Vocabulary → 次回小テスト
Movie Review
- Worksheet 1 → 11/22まで
- Worksheet 2 : Storyboard (sample) 11/22
- Use Sonic Pics to create your movie review video (Recording)
- (By 12/06) 1) Post your movie review script (原稿) to What's Up? 2) Read and leave comments to the 1st-year students' movie reviews
- (By 11/29) なし
- (By 11/22) Leave comments to your classmates' posts on movies. ★Ask a few good questions!
- (By 11/22) Complete the worksheet
- (By 11/15) Write a 50+ word paragraph about watching movies, and post it to What's Up? ( How often do you watch movies? Do you like movies? Why or why not? What's your favorite movies? What kind of movies do you like? Who's your favorite actor/actress? )
- (By 11/8) Leave comments to your classmates' posts. ★Ask a few good questions!
- (By 11/1) Write about a festival/festivals and post it to What's Up?