Jan 9, 2013

2B January 10


  • Quiz (20) Published



次回:学期末テスト ★辞書を忘れずに。Twitter も含みます。

Previous Homework 
  • (By 12/31) Write about this year (50+ words; the title should be "My ***est memory of the year") and post it to What's Up? 
  • (By 12/20) Read this article (Web) : PDF (p.1-p.7) & Worksheet (授業時に配布) 
  • (By 12/13) 1) Post your movie review script (原稿) to What's Up? 2) Read and leave comments to 1B4's and 2B's movie reviews.  
  • (By 12/06) 1) Post your movie review script (原稿) to What's Up? 2) Read and leave comments to the 1st-year students' movie reviews 
  • (By 11/29) なし
  • (By 11/22) Leave comments to your classmates' posts on movies. ★Ask a few good questions! 
  • (By 11/22) Complete the worksheet  
  • (By 11/15) Write a 50+ word paragraph about watching movies, and post it to What's Up? ( How often do you watch movies? Do you like movies? Why or why not? What's your favorite movies? What kind of movies do you like? Who's your favorite actor/actress? )
  • (By 11/8) Leave comments to your classmates' posts. ★Ask a few good questions! 
  • (By 11/1) Write about a festival/festivals and post it to What's Up? 

Jan 8, 2013

1B4 January 8


  • Quiz (20) Published



次回:学期末テスト ★辞書を忘れずに。

Previous Homework
  1. Read this article (Web) : PDF (p.1-p.7) & Worksheet By Jan. 8
  2. Write about your plans for the winter break and post it to What's Up?  (40+ words) By Dec. 25  
  3. Prepare for the next review quiz By Dec. 18
  4. Leave comments to 2 or more movie reviews. (1B4's reviews / 2B's reviewsBy Dec. 11 ★Don't forget to reply to comments you got. 
  5. Send me your presentation script. By Dec. 4
  6. Complete the story board (Worksheet, p.4) & leave comments to your classmates' posts on festivals. By Nov. 27 
  7. Finish this task (Worksheet ) By Nov. 20
  8. Leave comments to your classmates' postsBy Nov. 13 
  9. Write about a festival/festivals and post it to What's Up?  By Nov. 6 
  10. Leave comments to your classmates' postsBy Oct. 30
  11. Post your writing ("Summer vacation" /"A country I want to visit") to What's Up?  By October 23 

1B3 January 8

1. Review Quiz 公開

2. Song
3. Review
