Dec 20, 2012

TOEIC preparation

  1. EnglishClub > TOEIC Practice Session : Listening & Reading (Needs Puffin)
  2. EnglishTest > TOEIC Simulation Test, Select Word by Meaning, Select Meaning by Word (Needs Puffin)
  3. International English Institute > Level Test / TOEIC Test (Non Stop)
  4. 4Tests > TOEIC Practice Test
  5. TOEIC Practice (Need Log-in
  6. Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab (Not specifically for the TOEIC test, but  really good)
  7. Free English Grammar exercise online (Needs Puffin)
  8. Resource 
  9. つづく

iOS apps 

Android apps

Dec 19, 2012

2B December 20

  • Quiz (20) Published 


 Read & Talk about Movies
  1. Survey on Movies* : Worksheet #1 & #2 (in group) ⇒ Writing 
  2. Grammar Review: Worksheet (Present/Past Participles) → 次回小テスト 
  3. How to comment on someone's movie review: Worksheet 


Read about 2012 

  • (By 12/31) Write about this year (50+ words; the title should be "My ***est memory of the year") and post it to What's Up? 
  • (By 12/20) Read this article (Web) : PDF (p.1-p.7) & Worksheet (授業時に配布) 
  • (By 12/13) 1) Post your movie review script (原稿) to What's Up? 2) Read and leave comments to 1B4's and 2B's movie reviews.  
  • (By 12/06) 1) Post your movie review script (原稿) to What's Up? 2) Read and leave comments to the 1st-year students' movie reviews 
  • (By 11/29) なし
  • (By 11/22) Leave comments to your classmates' posts on movies. ★Ask a few good questions! 
  • (By 11/22) Complete the worksheet  
  • (By 11/15) Write a 50+ word paragraph about watching movies, and post it to What's Up? ( How often do you watch movies? Do you like movies? Why or why not? What's your favorite movies? What kind of movies do you like? Who's your favorite actor/actress? )
  • (By 11/8) Leave comments to your classmates' posts. ★Ask a few good questions! 
  • (By 11/1) Write about a festival/festivals and post it to What's Up? 

Dec 18, 2012

1B4 December 18


  • Quiz (20) Published


Read & Talk about Movies

  1. Survey on Movies* : Worksheet #1 & #2 (in group) → Collected  
  2. How to comment on someone's movie review: Worksheet 

Grammar Review 

  • Present and Past Participles: Worksheet → 次回小テスト
  • Practice on Passive Voice: Worksheet  → 次回小テスト

  1. Read this article (Web) : PDF (p.1-p.7) & Worksheet By Jan. 8
  2. Write about your plans for the winter break and post it to What's Up?  (40+ words) By Dec. 25  
  3. Prepare for the next review quiz By Dec. 18
  4. Leave comments to 2 or more movie reviews. (1B4's reviews / 2B's reviewsBy Dec. 11 ★Don't forget to reply to comments you got. 
  5. Send me your presentation script. By Dec. 4
  6. Complete the story board (Worksheet, p.4) & leave comments to your classmates' posts on festivals. By Nov. 27 
  7. Finish this task (Worksheet ) By Nov. 20
  8. Leave comments to your classmates' postsBy Nov. 13 
  9. Write about a festival/festivals and post it to What's Up?  By Nov. 6 
  10. Leave comments to your classmates' postsBy Oct. 30
  11. Post your writing ("Summer vacation" /"A country I want to visit") to What's Up?  By October 23 

1B3 December 18

1. Review Quiz 公開。

2. Song

3. Talk about movies
  • Survey on Movies(映画のアンケート)つづき : Worksheet 1 & Worksheet 2  
  • 数量表現:The majority of the people ..., Most people ..., About half of the people ...., A few people ...  → 次回小テスト

4. Grammar Review
  • 受動態 Worksheet → 次回小テスト

  • 冬休み:これまでの復習

Dec 12, 2012

2B December 13

  • Quiz (20) Published later 


Read & Talk about Movies
  1. Grammar Check: Worksheet (Present/Past Participles) → 次回小テスト 
  2. Read Movie Synopsis* : Worksheet (in group)→ 次回小テスト
  3. Survey on Movies* : Worksheet #1 & #2 (in group)  
  4. How to comment on someone's movie review: Worksheet (HW to be checked)
  5. ※) Movie review videos created using Sonic Pics (finished 11/29), published on the blog 

  • (By 12/20) Read this article (Web) : PDF (p.1-p.7) & Worksheet (授業時に配布) 
  • (By 12/13) 1) Post your movie review script (原稿) to What's Up? 2) Read and leave comments to 1B4's and 2B's movie reviews.  
  • (By 12/06) 1) Post your movie review script (原稿) to What's Up? 2) Read and leave comments to the 1st-year students' movie reviews 
  • (By 11/29) なし
  • (By 11/22) Leave comments to your classmates' posts on movies. ★Ask a few good questions! 
  • (By 11/22) Complete the worksheet  
  • (By 11/15) Write a 50+ word paragraph about watching movies, and post it to What's Up? ( How often do you watch movies? Do you like movies? Why or why not? What's your favorite movies? What kind of movies do you like? Who's your favorite actor/actress? )
  • (By 11/8) Leave comments to your classmates' posts. ★Ask a few good questions! 
  • (By 11/1) Write about a festival/festivals and post it to What's Up? 

Dec 11, 2012

1B4 December 11


  • Quiz (20) Published 


Read & Talk about Movies

  1. Read Movie Synopsis* : Worksheet (in group)→ 次回小テスト
  2. Survey on Movies* : Worksheet #1 & #2 (in group) → 次回続き 
  3. ※) How to comment on someone's movie review: Worksheet (not checked)
  4. ※) Movie review videos created using Sonic Pics (finished 11/29), published on the blog 
  1. Prepare for the next review quiz
  2. Leave comments to 2 or more movie reviews. (1B4's reviews / 2B's reviewsBy Dec. 11 ★Don't forget to reply to comments you got. 
  3. Send me your presentation script. By Dec. 4
  4. Complete the story board (Worksheet, p.4) & leave comments to your classmates' posts on festivals. By Nov. 27 
  5. Finish this task (Worksheet ) By Nov. 20
  6. Leave comments to your classmates' postsBy Nov. 13 
  7. Write about a festival/festivals and post it to What's Up?  By Nov. 6 
  8. Leave comments to your classmates' postsBy Oct. 30
  9. Post your writing ("Summer vacation" /"A country I want to visit") to What's Up?  By October 23 

1B3 December 11

1. Review Quiz 公開しました。

2. Song

3. Talk about movies
  • 前回の宿題確認:How to comment on someone's movie review → 次回小テスト
  • Survey on Movies(映画のアンケート): Worksheet 1 & Worksheet 2 
  • ※)SonicPics presentation → 完成した人たち

  • 今日の復習(小テストの準備)

Dec 6, 2012

2B December 6



Movie Review

  1. Grammar Check (Passive): Worksheet → If you have any questions about grammar (or whatever), feel free to ask me and your classmates here (FB group).  → 次回小テスト
  2. How to comment on someone's movie review: Worksheet → 終わらなかった人は次回まで。
  3. Worksheet 1 → 11/22まで
  4. Worksheet 2 : Storyboard (sample) 11/22 
  5. Use Sonic Pics to create your movie review video (Recording) ←If you haven't finished it yet. 

  • (By 12/13) 1) Post your movie review script (原稿) to What's Up? 2) Read and leave comments to 1B4's and 2B's movie reviews.  
  • (By 12/06) 1) Post your movie review script (原稿) to What's Up? 2) Read and leave comments to the 1st-year students' movie reviews 
  • (By 11/29) なし
  • (By 11/22) Leave comments to your classmates' posts on movies. ★Ask a few good questions! 
  • (By 11/22) Complete the worksheet  
  • (By 11/15) Write a 50+ word paragraph about watching movies, and post it to What's Up? ( How often do you watch movies? Do you like movies? Why or why not? What's your favorite movies? What kind of movies do you like? Who's your favorite actor/actress? )
  • (By 11/8) Leave comments to your classmates' posts. ★Ask a few good questions! 
  • (By 11/1) Write about a festival/festivals and post it to What's Up? 

Dec 4, 2012

1B4 December 4



Movie Review

  1. Grammar Check (Passive): Worksheet → If you have any questions about grammar (or whatever), feel free to ask me and your classmates here (FB group).  → 次回小テスト
  2. How to comment on someone's movie review: Worksheet 
  3. Worksheet 1 → 11/22まで
  4. Worksheet 2 : Storyboard (sample) 11/22 
  5. Use Sonic Pics to create your movie review video (Recording) → Published posts (finished last week)


  1. Leave comments to 2 or more movie reviews. (1B4's reviews / 2B's reviews) By Dec. 11 ★Don't forget to reply to comments you got. 
  2. Send me your presentation script. By Dec. 4
  3. Complete the story board (Worksheet, p.4) & leave comments to your classmates' posts on festivals. By Nov. 27 
  4. Finish this task (Worksheet ) By Nov. 20
  5. Leave comments to your classmates' posts. By Nov. 13 
  6. Write about a festival/festivals and post it to What's Up?  By Nov. 6 
  7. Leave comments to your classmates' postsBy Oct. 30
  8. Post your writing ("Summer vacation" /"A country I want to visit") to What's Up?  By October 23 

1B3 December 4


1. Review Quiz 公開しました。

2. Song

3. Talk & write about songs, movies & books your like
  • Grammar Check (Passive 受動態): Worksheet → 次回小テスト
  • How to comment on someone's movie review: Worksheet → 次まで宿題
  • (前々回分)Create a story board: Worksheet (p.3) 
  • (前回分)Grammar & Vocabulary Check: Worksheet 
  • Create a SonicPics presentation → 完成した人たち

  • How to comment on someone's movie review: Worksheet